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The East Wake Football League a USA Football Head’s Up Tackling Program and a supporter of the American Cancer Society

East Wake Football League

League Information

General Overview

The EWFL carries a unique experience in youth football to play in a “big game” atmosphere.  Our games begin in the afternoons on Saturday and play into the evening “under the lights” at many of the High Schools and Community Organizations in the area. 

Each organization will host four (4) home games and travel to four (4) away games each season.  The EWFL is a collection of many towns and communities that surround the greater Triangle area in central NC.  This aspect brings football back to its roots where smaller communities with limited populations formed teams and played each other.  A spirit of comradery and connection with one’s community is fostered.  Teamwork, friendship and fellowship among the players is the greatest achievement of this partnership with our EWFL organizations.

Weights, Ages, Limitations, and Game Day

Player Ages* and Weight Limits 2023
Team Limitations
Mini Mite (8U) -          Ages 6-8, weight limit 105 pounds
                                            (130 lbs.  between the tackles)

Mighty Mite (10U)
 -   Ages 9-10, weight limit 125 pounds     
                                            (175 lbs.  between the tackles)

Pee Wee (12U)
 -           Ages 11-12, weight limit 155 pounds
                                            (Unlimited between the tackles)                  

Each town must have enough kids to field all 3 teams.

Games are played on Saturday evenings with
- the 5th quarter starting at 11am or 4pm and then
- the Mini Mites starting at 11:30 am or 4:30 pm,
- the Mighty Mites following and then
- finishing with the PeeWees.
Middle (14U) -           Ages 13-14, weight is unlimited  Games are At-Large and the schedules vary.
 * Age is determined as of August 1st of the current season.            

League Functions

The EWFL assists in bringing our organizations together as follows:

  >  Facilitate and publish rules each season for consistency of play and to provide a minimum standard for all organizations
       to operate.

  >  Schedule intra league play with our affiliated organizations, provide a clearinghouse for scores and standings, and
       coordinate game NCHSAA certified officials through a third party booking agent.

  >  Schedule post season championship play and provide a clearinghouse for scores and results.

  >  Provide audit that directors, coaches, and volunteers have completed required certifications and satisfactory background

  >  Purchase and distribute conference and league championship awards.

  >  Facilitate and preside over league meetings each season.

  >  Establish league fees, collect such fees, and complete tax returns each season as a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity.

  >  Provide a point source of support to our affiliated directors to determine rules interpretations, field complaints, and
       provide enforcement (as necessary).

  >  Operate, moderate, and maintain a presence on the internet and selected social media.

  >  Share and foster an awareness of the state of football in the United States.

Current & Past League Champions

Since 1995, the East Wake Football League has concluded the regular season with a championship playoff.  In 2019, the EWFL added an At-Large League for our 14U Division and its first championship.

Contact Us

East Wake Football League Inc.

Wake Durham Johnston Nash Franklin Vance, Chatham Lee and Granville Counties of
 North Carolina  

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 919-816-2575
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